Saturday, September 13, 2014

Wet Deception

Earlier today before leaving the house, C-bao went to get a clean face towel from her drawer. For whatever reason, our girl loves washing her face, and insists on doing it herself, always very daintily. The following dialogue ensued:

C-Mum: "Didn't you wash your face already?" (妹, 你今天不是以已經洗过脸了吗?)
C-bao: "No, I haven't!" (还没有!)
C-Mum, disbelieving: "Daddy, did C-bao wash her face already?" (爸爸, 妹妹洗过脸了吗?)
C-Pop: "Yes, she has." (有, 洗过了)
C-bao, running into the bathroom with her precious towel: "No, Mei-mei hasn't! Mei-mei hasn't washed yet!" (还没有! 妹妹还没洗过!)
C-Pop, following C-bao into the bathroom. "No lying, C-bao." (妹妹, 不可以说谎!)
C-bao, ready to turn on the tap, repeats: "Mei-mei hasn't washed yet!" ( 妹妹还没洗过!)
C-Pop, grabbing the little one's previously used wet towel from the rack: "Is this towel wet or dry?" (这个毛巾是湿的还是干的?)
C-bao, feeling the towel: "Wet" (湿的)
C-Pop: "So why is it wet?" (为什么是湿的?)
C-bao, without skipping a beat, and in her most earnest tone: "Because my sister used it." (因为姐姐用过!)

It wasn't so much the dissembling itself, which is was the combination of her age (yes, she just turned two a couple months ago) and the fluidity and ease of her response - the way it rolled easily off the tongue - that shocked the C-folks.

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