Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed our little C-bao has been over the last couple of days. "Here's looking at you, Mommy." 

Monday, July 23, 2012


C-bao made her first visit to church this weekend. Not being the instinctively pious type, she got bored halfway through the sermon (no fault of Pastor Dave! He was doing great) and began to demand an audience, at which point C-Pop was relegated to a quiet corner of the church by the nursery to rock 'n read instead of listening to God's word.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


C-bao is a champion grunter, in a way that would make Maria Sharapova proud. She grunts when she sleeps, eats and poos, which covers about 95% of her daily activities. She will also snort with equal facility. At one point C-mum even called a nurse hotline, fearing that the little one was being overtaken by some baby version of sleep apnea. The latest diagnosis? She is just one of those little noisemakers.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Hands & Feet

The C-folks are continually amazed at young C-bao's miniscule, intricate, still-wrinkled hands and feet. Little works of art they are.

By the way, those little hands have unusual grip strength, as noted by doctors shortly after birth - bodes well for future firm handshakes.

C-Mum has been eyeing those long fingers and fantasizing about future piano concert halls. Meanwhile, C-Pop is hoping that those slender pedal digits will give the little one a good jump off the blocks (that's right, good sprinters have longer toes).

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


It's looking like the blissful days of C-bao's perpetual sleepiness are coming to an end.

For the first week of her privileged young life, other than waking up reluctantly when life-giving sustenance was literally shoved into her mouth, or protesting angrily when we cleaned her royal behind, C-bao slumbered like a baby log.

Yesterday it appears someone flipped a switch. Her baby brown eyes refused to close, and she would stare intently up the nose of whomever was holding her.  She bleated like a lost sheep when we put her down. All manner of odd expressions began appearing on her face (though, to her credit, some were undoubtedly attributable to the strong vinegar we were boiling in the kitchen as a disinfectant).

Alas, it looks like the peaceful days are behind us.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Here is C-bao on her daily trip to the lab to get her bloodwork done, looking awfully small in her baby carseat. K-bao has grown so fast that it's easy to forget that she was once just this size too. And in just the last few days C-bao has tripled her food intake - so the C-folks better cherish this time before she triples in size as well.