Friday, April 25, 2014

Poetic Justice

Here a casual poetry reading takes a turn south.

In Scene I, C-bao and K-bao are collaboratively reciting a recently learned Chinese rhyme, Tricycle (三輪車), emphasizing the rhythms by banging on the green sofa in unison.

In Phase II, a few seconds later, Little C-bao decides she wants the stage alone, and rather bossily demands that her sister cede the microphone.

In Scene III, predictably, K-bao decides that she will return the annoyance by snatching at the blackberry in her sister's hands, a gadget that of course belongs to neither of them.

Yes, this happens every day. Multiple times. The joy of siblings.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Now that April has come and the weather has warmed up somewhat, C-Mum insists only on 4 layers rather than 5 when C-Pop takes the girls to the park.

Indeed, C-Mum has bought snazzy matching puffy vests for C-Pop and the girls (two of which are shown above) to finally replace our winter coats and hats during our outdoor excursions.

Now no one said San Francisco has the warm balmy climes of San Diego, but the Eskimo gear (see below) was starting to attract some funny looks from strangers. Perhaps the shiny red cheeks and profuse sweating finally convinced C-Mum to allow the clan to leave the house more lightly clad.

"Um, California?"

Sunday, April 13, 2014


C-bao dons her princess outfit - courtesy of sister K-bao - and is swept up in a dance by C-Pop (who appears to be king only by virtue of his paternal association with C-bao and her sister - certainly not in evidence by his sphere of influence).

No one wants to be thinking of the hopefully long-ways-off and very far away wedding banquet dance, but these are the moments that remind C-Pop of how fleeting time is.