Saturday, December 29, 2012


The C-folks recently came across an old picture of C-Pop with his late grandmother, C-Great-Grandmum. It immediately became clear where C-bao's stately appearance, 1950s hair and benevolent expression came from.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


C-bao is chilling with her cousin Kaitlyn this week. Here they are in identical Bumbos. After an initial period of curiosity and discovery, the cousins bonded quickly and soon were holding hands.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


C-bao has revealed herself to be a decidedly epicurean eater. Unlike her sister K-bao who would open her mouth obligingly anytime a spoon was waved in the vicinity of her mouth - and then gratefully swallow - young C-bao not only takes a fair amount of coaxing to accept food into her mouth, she also then dribbles out or otherwise thrusts out with her tongue a fair percentage of whatever her parent has put inside. Here she is pushing out most of her apples and blueberries onto her face, chin and bib while simultaneously giving C-pop a defiant stare down.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


At the insistence of sister K-bao, C-bao puts up her hair - in a style known in Chinese as "Sky Cannon."

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wail & Arch

C-bao has recently discovered (i) the cat wail; and (ii) the back arch, and has begun to use both discoveries liberally and inopportunely, and often together.

The former applies when the little one is excited, dissatisfied or bored (describing about 99% of her waking hours).

The latter occurs most frequently when she is on the changing table, being held, or when seated in her bumbo or high chair (describing about 95% of her waking hours). The below is a typical 25 second segment of her life.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


C-bao has become quite excitable recently and demonstrates her enthusiasm by kicking aimlessly and flailing her arms. In this video - taken shortly after the pics in the prior post - she flaps like a happy penguin upon seeing C-Pop after a nap.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Below C-bao practices her movie poster Intense Look. The C-folks have to give credit where credit is due - that windswept, full-bodied 'do looks like it could have been styled by a Hong Kong salon.

Encouraged by some uplifting tunes in the background and some tickling fingers on her bare feet, C-bao breaks out of the Intense Look and into her Toothless Grin: