Saturday, September 24, 2016

Service Please

O to be young, carefree, and have your hair dried gently blow-dried while you leisurely read a picture book! Such is the blessed existence our young C-bao enjoys.

In fact she is so used to her pampering that following her shower (after which she naturally raises her arms to be dried off and carried to her room), she goes immediately to pick out a couple of books and then wordlessly plops herself in C-pop's lap, with no further direction needed.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


If there's one thing Taiwan is justly famous for, it is the overbearing heat. Along with the 100% humidity, walking around outside feels like wearing a wet blanket.

The upside of course is that C-bao got to wear cool shades and cute tank top outfits pretty much the whole time.

To escape the heat for the first few days the clan had a few dips in the swimming pool. Even C-Mum made an unlikely appearance, and splashed around in the kiddy pool for about five minutes.

Vigorous swimming in turn inevitably led to some very sound naps.

Cool Relatives

While in Taipei, C-bao got to hang out with her musician Aunt and Uncle, The Lighters, quite a bit. Xiao Goo-Goo and Shu-Shu distinguish themselves by being quite a bit cooler than her parents.

Here she is trying to keep up with Aunt Catherine and sister K-bao's yoga moves.

Here she is feeling alternatively sassy and safe in her auntie's arms.

As for Uncle James, several years ago in Taipei it was a victory for her uncle even to have the little one consent to being held.

My, how the tables have turned. Now it is C-bao seeking out her uncle's attention at every turn.