Thursday, November 22, 2012


This week was a momentous one in C-bao's young life, to be remembered as the turning point in a heretofore squalid and soiled existence. Going forward, C-bao's life will be marked by one in which the diapers she wears can actually contain the material they were designed to hold. Yes, C-bao has been introduced to solids.

Over the last couple of months, C-bao had perfected the art of positioning herself expertly on her back with her legs raised in the air, and then expelling with such force that her #2 would inevitably squirt up the back of her diaper and all over her clothes. This was something her sister K-bao was also really good at around the 5-6 month mark.

And really, it was getting quite old.

But with solid food entering the system, the C-folks know that physics dictate a welcome composition change in the gastrointestinal chambers that will eventually solve that problem. Hallelujah!

Here she is, happily waiting in her chair.

By the way, after turning down both rice cereal and sweet potatoes, C-mum tried avocados. Winner!

UPDATE: As if to specifically answer K-Pop's premature and overly optimistic post, C-bao has made it a point to soil her clothes a minimum of once and usually twice a day since the date of this post (as of December 1, 2012).

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Sharing a squeeze with C-Mum and my sister K-bao, along with Slobbery the Pink Rabbit.

Friday, November 16, 2012


女大十八變 says the Chinese idiom (literally "the eighteen changes of a woman growing up"...also known as "I have no idea who this girl claiming to be my daughter is"). C-bao is already evidencing the wisdom of her Chinese ancients, by transforming recently - seemingly overnight - from a quiet, gentle soul into a mischievous, stubborn chatterbox.

Yesterday, apparently deciding that her surroundings were too quiet, she decided to enthrall the C-folks with thirty straight minutes of raucous bawling, for no other apparent reason than some minor fatigue. When she finally decided to be civil, and knowing that her misbehavior was not welcome, she refused to look C-Pop in the eye, no matter what angle he was holding her. This stiff-necked behavior, while admittedly influenced by hereditary factors (not calling out anyone in particular, C-Mum), was not met with any amusement on the part of the C-folks.

UPDATE: the below video documents C-bao refusing to make eye contact after some naughty behavior

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012


C-bao is doing quite well with her tummy time these days, with neck strength sufficient for a minute or more of high visibility of her surroundings (before the inevitable face plant into the sheets).

This has led to a bit of overconfidence when being held. She will now whip her head back and forth to make sure she's not missing out on the fun activities occurring on the other side of the room, with general shakiness and head bobbing in between leading to minor episodes of whiplash.