Friday, December 30, 2016

Year 2

This has been a very productive Year 2 for C-bao in preschool. While her school's approach is definitely play-based, we've noticed our little one making significant progress both socially as well as in specific cognitive and academic areas (such as sums and subtraction through 20, which C-Pop regularly tests her on).

She has also started to find her voice, and now has a steady group of friends who she hangs out with (though, troublingly, still mostly boys!).

One activity she has hugely enjoyed is hands on cooking. Here she makes a grubby little pizza with three friends.

She also has progressed a ton in terms of physical strength and agility. Her climbing and particularly her monkey bars -- an area her sister has always excelled at which in turn has inspired C-bao's determination -- have been highlights.

Monday, December 12, 2016


Lace them up! C-bao has started her first soccer session.

C-Mum made sure the little one looked the part, replete with headband, high socks, shin guards and cleats.

While C-bao was a bit slow to warm to the activity, before we knew it she had jumped in and was following the ball around with enthusiasm.

In fact she would have made some good progress downfield in the below video if, um, her own sister K-bao hadn't played such zealous defense.