Saturday, October 26, 2013


Given her newfound mobility, being on a playground is a whole lot more fun for C-bao now. She usually visits various neighborhood parks generally at least once and usually twice a day.

Here she is making a new friend. C-bao tends to be quite touchy.

Later in the afternoon C-bao donned a new outfit and tried out a different park, where she pet rocks and stone turtles, sat on a bench (inexplicably, one of her favorite activities) and messed around in the sandbox.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Doggie Hike

C-bao has made enormous progress in walking by herself over the past few weeks during Grandma's visit, and now is able to traverse the length of the house without help. Yes, soon she will be running at top speed and crashing around the house causing a ruckus, as her sister did at this age.

Here she is taking a hike by Lands End with the family, during which she encounters a dog. As we know, C-bao is a big fan of the canine species ("Wof Wof! Wof Wof!" she says) and forced C-Pop to turn around and follow Spot for a while.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


C-bao enjoys the finer things of life.

Some of you may remember when sister K-bao first discovered the pleasures of twinkle toes. The last recorded incident was at 18 months old, which we include below for comparison.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Singing with Grandma

Grandma's in town! Here is C-bao learning a tune and some moves from C-Grandmum.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Lemos Pony

C-bao took a trip to Half Moon Bay's Lemos Farm recently. While the abysmal traffic on the way there put everyone in a foul mood, all was forgotten as soon as C-bao saw the trains and ponies.

C-Pop was concededly initially skeptical that the little one was going to be able to handle riding a pony by herself - especially after she freaked out while C-Pop was introducing her to the goats. Nonetheless, when C-Pop suggested to C-Mum that she might be a little young, the little one gave an exasperated look , as if saying "What's the big deal?"

Then when it came time for her turn, she cooly got on her pony without a fuss and enjoyed her ride enthusiastically, except for staring down C-Pop every once in a while when she passed him.

Baby Steps

C-bao, who is a superior crawler and has always been content jetting around on all fours, has finally decided to give bipedalism a try.

Over the last couple of weeks she has been tottering around while holding onto a C-Pop/C-Mum/Auntie Katie hand, and finally has ventured to take her first few steps on her own, which she does generally with a huge smile on her face.