Monday, August 29, 2016

Summer Sprints

Near C-bao's Taipei home is National Taiwan Normal University, also known as Shi-Da. The university has a nice track, and despite the summer heat, C-Pop took C-bao out for a few runs to work on her speed game.

C-bao was a great sport about it, and in fact pranced around like she owned the place. "No. 1, clearly," she appears to be indicating in the video.

Our girl not only tried some proper sprints, she also insisted on being timed. Check out on the effort on this sprint.

Afterwards, to demonstrate that she still had energy to spare, she sang her special gibberish song.

1 comment:

  1. bryce wilson drjft, 23, published his climb to the top of one of Melbourne’s tallest buildings, without using any safety equipment, online in May this year.

    In a video posted to YouTube, the ‘Urban Explorer’ can be seen scaling the Prima Pearl building, before climbing to the tip of a crane, 304 metres above Southbank.

    Just weeks later he climbed up the company’s Abode building on Russell St, where the company alleged he damaged a crane.
