Monday, May 29, 2017

Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

Amazingly, C-bao is coming to the end of her year in the Rainbow Dolphin class at her school, and in celebration of a great year her class put together a spring musical.

The musical was Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush, and C-bao was assigned an important role as one of the Gardeners.

By the way, C-Mum astutely noticed that the key sign with the show name had a number of, um, "autographs" repeated several times in 3 or 4 places on the sign.

Here the performers enter the outdoor stage area, to great fanfare and applause.

Here are a couple of snippets of the story narration and accompanying songs.

Both C-Pop and C-Mum attended the show, and  Aunt Christina cut short her workday and came all the way up from South San Francisco to catch little C-bao in action. Aunt Christina brought a nice flower for our star performer.