Saturday, March 25, 2017


C-bao was at a couple of birthday parties in January with her buddies from the Rainbow Dolphins, her class at preschool. This is the age where the birthday parties still involve everyone from class -- which is fun for the kids, but obviously a load for all parents of 4-year old birthday boys and girls.

At one party, the facility had some nice basketball rims. C-bao's immediate instinct was to dunk on them, something C-Pop heartily approved of.

In the other there were some climbing walls, and C-bao made it all the way up without assistance. All of her monkey bar work at school has strengthened those forearms nicely.

She also got to try a zip line. Frankly she could have done it without the assistance, especially as it was only a couple of feet off the ground.

Much of the time though was spent running around chasing her friends and vice versa, which was just fine with our little one.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sun & Sweets

C-bao absolutely loved her time in Mexico. Then again, with endless amounts of good food, sun, swimming and family all around, what was there not to love?

Here are a few moments in the sun with her various family members, including sister K-bao, her cousins J-Cuz and K-K, and various uncles and aunties.

While C-bao hasn't fully embraced the water, she enjoys splashing around, as long as she is safely sitting on the stair or C-Pop is around to hold her.

Of course, the best part of it was the unlimited dessert!