Monday, May 30, 2016

A Ride

Ever since her first early experience with horses when she was but a little 'un, C-bao has been a big fan, as this post from 2013 will attest. Today, C-bao got to go on a real ride at Five Brooks Stables.

Five Brooks isn't the most accessible location in the world; while only 27 miles north of San Francisco, most of the way there involves one-lane, windy roads prone to congestion. But with a stable of well-trained horses and a collection of activities for all ages, along with miles of trails nearby, it was a nice locale to further explore C-bao's equestrian interests.

While she didn't quite make the age cutoff for a fully independent ride with the group -- she is, after all, still 3 -- C-bao was able to saddle up for a chaperoned ride around the lake on her own pony, accompanied by a couple of instructors.

One of them mentioned that recently a 12-year-old boy from a "city family" came in, and after getting up close and personal with the horses, broke down crying and refused to go for his ride. C-bao was just the opposite. She boldly got astride her steed, named "Tornado," and even managed to perfect the horse-whispering cluck to get Tornado to pay attention. No city chicken here!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Beach Day

After an exhausting and action-packed Day 4 at Sea World, C-bao led the family to the best breakfast in the Gaslamp, the Broken Yolk Cafe.

C-Mum was so satisfied with breakfast that she even posed for a family pic, something she rarely does.

After several days at the big theme parks, C-bao was ready to chill on the beach. Or, shall we say, bake on the beach. It was a scorcher of a day.

The chilling didn't last for long. Soon, the girls were racing (instigated by, of course, sister K-bao). First, C-bao raced her sister. Too close to call.

Then, she judged K-bao's race with C-Mum. And it is...K-bao by a hair! Ok, in fairness, someone may have had a few steps head start.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Safari Park

After an eventful Day 2 at Legoland with her friends the Liu's, C-bao visited Safari Park on Day 3. A close cousin of the more famous San Diego Zoo, Safari Park is less crowded but has excellent exhibitions and activities.  The day was sunny but reasonably cool, and once again the company was excellent (we were joined by friends DL, NL and EL and family).

Here are the kiddos taking in a lizard exhibition. For the record, the handlers they have are not only animal experts but engaging presenters and excellent with kids.

The petting zoo is always a hit for C-bao, who tends to be the touchy-feely type. Here she tries get a goat to eat a piece of straw, assisted by buddy EL.

"Say 'Ahhhhh'"
C-bao has always loved maps and insists on carrying and brandishing one fully unfolded whenever we're at a theme park.

"No, I told you it was left to visit the lions"
During lunch the kiddos had their own table. C-bao poses a group question. Lots of hands in the air.

"Do you like Katy Perry more or Taylor Swift?"
Check out the lemur tail on this one.

The kids posed together before going on the Africa Tram. For the record, it was so exciting for C-Mum that she literally dozed off for half the ride.

At the end of a long day, the kids (and C-Mum!) enjoyed a treat.

Overall a very enjoyable visit. This is one park C-Pop and C-Mum agreed they would happily return to.