Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Hollow

C-bao took her first trip to Happy Hollow today (with the lovely Wangs - Tony, Mel and Lucas), where she thoroughly enjoyed herself riding the buggies, feeding the goats and running around getting dirty. (A couple of sister K-bao's visits were documented here and here.)

First, she started the day greeting the bronze animals at the park entrance with her characteristic Up Close & Personal approach.

Next she took her first ride of the day on the ladybugs, accompanied by sister K-bao. Lots of smiles all around. No sweat.

Unfortunately, this experience instilled a bit of misplaced swagger in Little C-bao. She insisted on riding again immediately afterward, even though sister K-bao had run off to do something else. This turned out to be an error in judgment. Once the bug achieved liftoff, little C realized she was all alone in the world, flying at an altitude that felt altogether unsafe. The rest of the ride was spent with her face buried in her hands yelling 不要! ("No want!") at the top of her lungs. (Unfortunately C-Pop did not capture this rare footage on camera, but the below forlorn-looking image was when the wheels first started turning)

Luckily there was more to see and do at Happy Hollow, and C-bao soon forgot about these unpleasantries by feeding the goats.

All in all, a fantastic trip which wore out Little C so much that she promptly dozed off the second she was put on her stroller, even before saying goodbye to her friends.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Wink and a Smile

C-bao is a naturally jovial soul and loves to keep the mood around her light. Here she smiles, sways, and finally breaks into a full-throated chuckle as she contemplates how good her life is.

She's also recently learned to wink - or blink, really - and will happily oblige when asked to demonstrate.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

One Second: Jul-Nov 2013

Short snippets from the last 5 months from the little ones, inspired by Cesar Kuriyama's One Second Every Day.

Friday, December 13, 2013


Recently, C-bao has become quite conversant on a number of topics:
  • Love. As she was lying in bed a few days ago in the early hours of the morning shortly after she awoke, C-Pop overheard her run through a list of people in her life and how she felt about them. 
    • "!!!" (爸爸?爱!婆婆?爱!叔叔?爱! Daddy? Love! Grandma? Love! Uncle? Love!)
  • Hunger. While she remains as picky as ever, far be it from C-bao to starve herself. She'll run to one of us, holler for our attention, point to her stomach and cry:
    • "Uh!(! Hungry!). And then irrespective of what the response is the immediate follow-up is: "Yao!" (! Yes, want!). After dinner, she enjoys rubbing her tummy while grinning from ear to ear and making sure one of us comments on how rotund it looks.
  • Oral Hygiene. C-bao has developed a real affection for keeping her pearly whites shiny, and also making sure her loved ones are taking care of theirs. She will run to the bathroom at all hours of th e day, looking back to make sure we are in tow, then raise an index finger and exclaim: 
    • Shua-ya! Shua-ya! (刷牙刷牙! Brush teeth! Brush teeth!). Giving her her toothbrush with toothpaste is necessary but insufficient; she will then point at C-Pop and boss Dad into picking up his toothbrush too with a Ba-ba Shua! Ba-ba shua! command (爸爸刷爸爸刷Daddy brush! Daddy brush!). The below is representative.

Other words frequently used include Nien! (念! Read!), Bao-bao! (抱抱! Hold me!) and a variety of other verbs generally used in a commanding tone while pointing urgently at C-Pop or C-Mum.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Kiss Me

About 5 or 6 weeks ago C-bao achieved a new milestone - on-demand affection - which C-Pop has understandably made her practice every day.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

To 四個乖小孩

C-bao's talented Aunt and Uncle (Shu-Shu and Xiao Goo-Goo) penned, sang and recorded a brief piece of music for their 4 nieces (including C-bao's cousins Elizabeth and Grace as well as C-bao and her sister K-bao) one recent afternoon.

Watch the tone when you are asking why
Our love will always be with you
It hurts a bit but you will grow a lot
Learn to love and trust in God
Your life will be
Right where it should be

A message C-bao's parents hope she internalizes early in life!