Sunday, January 11, 2015

Well Parked

C-bao is a park aficionado. Park-hopper, one might call her. She is well acquainted with all of the major recreational areas in San Francisco, and rotates among them regularly.

Metal slides, plastic slides, Golden Gate's stone slide - she's tried them all. Wooden structures, rubber structures, stainless steel - C-bao's an equal opportunity climber, though her temperament is naturally cautious and she usually takes her time getting to know the potential pitfalls.

However, she is at the stage where she naturally wants to do everything herself, and can get quite frustrated when an unwelcome helping hand is thrust in her direction. "I do myself!" she might even exclaim in fobby English. If that's not properly complied with, "我要自己來!" comes quickly next. Don't you understand English, Pop??

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