Wednesday, July 6, 2016


As part of C-bao's birthday celebration last week, her preschool class, the Gray Whales, invited C-Pop and C-Mum to come tell a story about the little one to her classmates.

At the appointed time, C-Pop and C-Mum showed up and took their seats next to the birthday girl. With the help of a few pictures on an iPad, C-Pop told the class about C-bao's experience as a flower girl in Singapore back in 2014, as documented on these pages here.

Afterwards C-bao participated in the traditional birthday jump, signifying her leap from a lowly 3-year-old to a big-girl-4.

After her class sang her her birthday song, she got to blow out a candle and then pass out some ice pops (brought by C-Mum) for the whole class to enjoy.

Despite C-Mum's claims to the contrary, C-Pop insisted that the class paid rapt attention to the story. Luckily, one of C-bao's teachers kindly shot a video of the anecdote, excerpted below, which only partially supports C-Pop's theory.

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