Sunday, June 19, 2016

Pump It Up

C-bao attended a friend's party the other weekend at Pump It Up of San Francisco.

PIU is filled with jumpy houses of all kinds. The company promises to make private birthday parties "epic," and the kids did have a blast bouncing from one air-filled apparatus to the next. The business model is of course all about volume and utilization, and the employees knew the drill, ushering our party on a tight schedule from room to room.

Now, some of the balloon houses did look fun. In the above picture C-bao is trying to reach little plastic strips stuck by Velcro to a slippery slope. After a number of failed attempts C-Pop tries to give C-bao a hand, with, um, limited success.

After a solid 90 minutes of non-stop bouncing, everyone was ready for pizza and cake, which was in the final room. An enjoyable party, and, C-Pop had to admit, an admirable business model!

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