Sunday, December 21, 2014


"Practice makes progress!" chimes sister K-bao often, and C-bao took the advice to heart recently in Singapore, practicing her Flower Girl routine at the wedding hall (coincidentally named Chijmes) ahead of the big day.

In her first attempt, she was asked to hold the hand of another young toddler, a nephew of WZ Shu-Shu (Uncle Zech) who would be bearing the rings. C-Mum comes alongside and gives detailed instructions, while WZ Shu-Shu encourages sister K-bao to manage the pace.


Cute as he was, the handholding clearly impeded C-bao's petal disposal motion, so in her second try she walked alone, leading the young procession down the aisle. This would end up being the winning combination, and on the actual wedding day C-bao was in fact the very first person the audience turned to see. Fame!

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