Thursday, September 19, 2013

Eyelid Flip

C-bao has fallen ill over the last few days and has experienced interrupted sleep, which has caused one of her eyelids to flip, becoming a "double eyelid."

While C-Mum has always been a double-eyelid girl, C-Pop was born with single eyelids, as is common in the Asian genotype. Growing up, his eyelids would "flip" and become double - adding a crease in the upper eyelid - only when he was extraordinarily fatigued and sleep-deprived. After he joined the finance industry, his eyelids flipped permanently, never to return to their single state. (Who has need for blepharoplasty when there is Wall Street?)

It should also be noted that C-bao's Xiao Goo-Goo was born with single eyelids, but over the course of her adolescence they developed creases and evolved into double eyelids on their own, so there is some historical and genetic basis for the eyelid identity ambivalence in the family.

Here you can see her right eyelid in its double state, while the left remains blissfully single.

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